Welcome to LOTS OF LITTLES ... a little blog about this and that.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

a little resurrection day

Happy Resurrection Day! It was a sunny spring day ...
just perfect for frolicking with cousins ...
and taking pictures of squirmy kids :)
Later, we enjoyed a scrumptious lupper at the L.E. Inn with my mother & father-in-law. Little Dude only ate fruit. He laughed with delight every time I added more honeydew to his plate :)
The "bandana" is a napkin functioning as his bib -- not a fashion thing :)
The small glass goblet was a hit with Little Dude!
These two hemmed and hawed over the dessert possibilities for a good fifteen minutes ...
while this one sampled a few things and decided that a plate of candy beat all of the fancy concoctions!And the entertainment??? A playpen of bunnies!


MUM said...

Fun photos of the kiddies! That dessert buffet does look good! A little taste of everything would be good!

Unknown said...

Fun pics. It was a fun day for us to be with all of you for brunch. I got some cute pics of Little Dude having fun with his goblet. Will share. Happy Mother's Day to a really great Mom.


Mom T.