Welcome to LOTS OF LITTLES ... a little blog about this and that.

Monday, March 31, 2014

a little acceptance

Sometimes it's helpful to accept the fact that there are certain things one is never going to do ... or probably never going to do.

So ... that quilt that I've been setting scraps of fabric aside for???  I don't think it's going to happen ... in this life anyway.  And once upon a time ... I had actually thought I might knit a badminton net someday.  That's not going to happen either ...

Is there anything you're never going to get around to???


LBB said...

ha ha! a badminton net? You're funny! I think I've accepted the fact that I'm never going to knit myself a sweater...or another pair of socks! I want to be a good knitter but I'm just not...

Dana said...

I know! The badminton net idea is nuts! I can understand the sweater ... but you might get around to socks ... or a sock ;)