Welcome to LOTS OF LITTLES ... a little blog about this and that.

Friday, November 17, 2017

a little halo

Halo turned 18 last week ... crazy how time went by.
The birthday photo, with Finney :)

I was going through some things in preparation for our move, and came across a notebook where I had written some funny Halo-comments from when she was little. Her funny sayings got somewhat skipped on here, as she was older when I started blogging. 

Here are some funny things from her in 2007.

Lost first tooth day after Easter (flute)

Lost second tooth May 27

Lost third tooth at Panera July 22 - daddy tried to find it in the trash

Lost fourth tooth in August at Henry's. (Reading this out loud just now, and turned to Halo, "Who's Henry?" "Hmmmm, I have no idea. I don't ever remember a Henry." she replied. A mystery for us to solve ;) )

May 26, 2007
Halo got Bubbles, her first fish ... after coming home from Walmart, we had this conversation:
Halo "When my fish dies, can I eat it??"
M "It's too small to be eaten."
Halo "Well can just I eat it?"


Now she's 18 and doing her first year of college ... crazyness!